Daily Archives: 26 December 2024

First Night

Every night of Hanukkah, one more candle is lit than the previous night. This piece, for the first night, is about that one candle burning – one long drone, one sound, changing but constant.

This piece was made in SuperCollider. It is made up of 180 sine waves, each starting at one note in the Ben Johnston’s combined otonal-utonal scale and sliding slowly to another note.

Also per holiday tradition, this is intended as a fundraiser for a worthy cause. Please consider donating to Rainbow Migration. cafdonate.cafonline.org/111#/DonationDetails They support LGBTQI+ people through the UK asylum and immigration process. Their vision is a world where there is equality, dignity, respect and safety for all people in the expression of their sexual or gender identity.

Or, if you are in the US, please donate to the National Center for Transgender Equality secure2.convio.net/ncftge/site/Donation2;jsessionid=00000000.app268b?df_id=1480&mfc_pref=T&1480.donation=form1&NONCE_TOKEN=C5EA18E62F736227261DC4CE5C50ADBE
